A Property Manager’s Guide to Information Security


Property managers keep a lot of crucial files that contain information like names, dates of birth, Social Security numbers, addresses, bank account details, and credit card information. Therefore, they have a substantial responsibility to protect this information from security breaches and hacks that can lead to fraud, identity theft, and loss of trust.

Here are a few tips in information security to prevent a tragedy like this:

Know Your Computers and Who Has Access

Knowing who has access to information is critical to understanding your security level, thus making it possible to make the necessary corrections ASAP.

Take Into Account Other Electronics

This includes flash drives, cellphones, and laptops. Don’t let employees to take any of these items home unless absolutely necessary, as these items may be lost, stolen, or accidentally damaged.

Keep Up-To-Date with Hacker Methods

Example: Heartbleed Bug.

Change Passwords Frequently

They don’t need to be incredibly strong. But change them.

Keep Up-To-Date with Laws Involving Credits Cards

Draw up a written policy addressing why and how the information is kept, who as access, and how long to keep it. Once you don’t need that info, permanently delete or shred it.

Introduce a Security Training Program for All Employees.

Focus on protecting sensitive information. Ask a representative of you alarm company, a security company, or a police officer to instruct the class.

Install a Security System

Keep it and your encryption system updated and a strong virus and firewall protection system on your computers.
And lastly, back up your files often! This is a great way to protect you, your tenants, and your clients’ personal information.
And for your information, The Gramm-Leach-Blliley Act, the Fair Credit Reporting Act, and the Federal Trade Commission govern the use of personal and private information for all business. The Department of Housing and Urban Development governs tenants’ rights, and each state has its own laws protecting tenants.

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